Carols and American Supper to be held at Ashton Village Hall. A get together for the choir after a busy year!
Monthly Archives: July 2011
Past Events – Sat Dec 15th – Christmas Concert, Tarvin
The chosen Charity for 2012 is the North West Air Ambulance Service
Kelsborrow Choir
invite you to join them for
Carols and Readings,
at their Christmas Concert
To be held at
Saturday December 15th 2012
At 7.30pm
Tickets £8.50 to includes a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie
Licensed Bar Available
Past events – November 10th 2012 – Concert at Caldy Valley Neighbourhood Church
We are pleased to announce the details of a concert in aid of church funds at Caldy Valley on November 10th. It will start at 7:30pm
Ticket price £7.50, to include light refreshments. Tickets will be available from the centre office (Tel : 01244 318450 ) and church members.
Location map:
If you would like to know more about the church follow this link :
Caldy Valley Neighbourhood Church